The program area of Arts Related Organizations is significantly smaller than those of Theatre and Dance and is necessarily limited. Grants in this category are primarily focused on organizations located within New York City, in addition to a smaller number of regional theatre service organizations that directly serve the producing companies on our roster.
Please note that The Shubert Foundation does not support multidisciplinary arts presenters, performing arts centers, symphonies, or opera companies outside of New York City. Furthermore, the Foundation does not provide regranting funds. We do not plan to expand our focus to support these efforts in the foreseeable future.
Grants to Arts Related Organizations are based principally on an assessment of their work, as demonstrated by past and current impact. Administrative strength and fiscal stability are factored into each evaluation.
Arts Related Organizations
Application Deadlines
October 16, 2024
Arts Related application due 6pm ET
December 12, 2024
Arts Related financial statements due 6pm ET

General Requirements
Shubert Foundation grants are awarded exclusively to US organizations, which must have current 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and must submit current financial statements in order to be eligible for funding.
The Foundation exclusively provides general operating support. Funds are not provided for project support, nor allocated for capital or endowment campaigns, nor to individuals or conduit organizations. Please visit our FAQs for additional information.
To review a list of recently funded organizations, please see below.
Financial Document Requirements
For the 2024-25 Application Cycle, organizations with a fiscal year that ends January through August will need to submit their Fiscal 2024 financial documentation; organizations with a fiscal year that ends September through December will need to submit their Fiscal 2023 financial documentation. We will not accept drafts or unsigned documents.
Budget Size: $150,000-750,000
If total expenses on your organization’s required financial document are $750,000 or less, you may submit an IRS 990, an accountant’s review, or an independent auditor’s report. We will not accept a 990-N postcard.
Budget Size: Above $750,000
If total expenses on your organization’s required financial document are more than $750,000, you must submit an independent auditor’s report.
Funding Criteria
Criteria range from the general to those specific to each applicant; they include:
Impact of the organization and its programs
Administrative strength
Fiscal responsibility
Ability to generate both earned and contributed income
Other significant contributions to the field
Organizations must have an annual budget of $150,000 or higher (not including in-kind support)
Grant requests must be submitted on The Shubert Foundation’s current online application form. Each applicant may apply in only one funding category.
Questions regarding category, criteria, audits, and deadlines that are not answered within this or other sections of the Website should be addressed to the Foundation.
For audit requirements, applicants must submit complete audited financial statements for the appropriate fiscal year (see Criteria). Financial statements must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and be audited by a certified public accountant.
Please note the following important application information:
Incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Letters of inquiry will not be accepted.
The Foundation does not support fiscally sponsored organizations.
For audit requirements: Reviews, compilations, and draft versions are not acceptable.
Required financial documents should be submitted with the application whenever possible but will be accepted as late as 6pm ET on the day of the appropriate deadline.
Determine Eligibility
Grant seekers who are eligible based on the information above should contact the Foundation between June and early October to determine if they should apply.
Please note: Eligibility closes 48 hours prior to the application deadline.

Frequently Asked Questions
Have additional questions?
Our Current Arts Related Grantees
52nd Street Project
New York, NY
The Alliance of Resident Theatres/NY
New York, NY
American Theatre Wing
New York, NY
Apollo Theater
New York, NY
artEquity Community
Pasadena, CA
Boston, MA
New York, NY
Carnegie Hall
New York, NY
Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center
New York, NY
The Drama League of New York
New York, NY
Dramatists Guild Foundation
New York, NY
Harlem School of the Arts
New York, NY
Harlem Stage/Aaron Davis Hall
New York, NY
Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz
Washington, DC
HowlRound Theatre Commons
Boston, MA
League of Chicago Theatres
Chicago, IL
Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
New York, NY
The Metropolitan Opera
New York, NY
National Alliance for Musical Theatre
New York, NY
Network of Ensemble Theatres
Los Angeles, CA
New Jersey Theatre Alliance
West Orange, NJ
New York Foundation for the Arts
New York, NY
New York Philharmonic
New York, NY
The New York Public Library
New York, NY
Park Avenue Armory
New York, NY
Theatre Bay Area
San Francisco, CA
Theatre Communications Group
New York, NY
Theatre Development Fund
New York, NY
Theatre for Young Audiences/USA
New York, NY
Theatre Washington
Washington, DC
The Town Hall
New York, NY
Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts
New York, NY