

Support of US-based, not-for-profit, professional dance companies is a secondary focus of Shubert Foundation grantmaking and is therefore more limited.



Dance companies are evaluated individually and with appropriate allowance for size and resources. The standard for awarding these grants is based on an assessment of each organization's operation and its contribution to the field. Artistic activity, service to community, and fiscal responsibility are factored into each evaluation, as is the company's development of new work.


Dance Application Deadlines

October 16, 2024
Dance application due 6pm ET

December 12, 2024
Dance financial statements due 6pm ET


General Requirements

Shubert Foundation grants are awarded exclusively to US organizations, which must have current 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status and must submit current financial statements in order to be eligible for funding.

The Foundation provides grants only to professional organizations that have an established track record as well as a history of fiscal responsibility. Non-professional community dance organizations are not eligible for funding. The Shubert Foundation does not support dance education, schools, or studios outside of New York City. We do not plan to expand our focus to support these organizations in the foreseeable future.

The Foundation exclusively provides general operating support. Funds are not provided for project support, nor allocated for capital or endowment campaigns, nor to individuals or conduit organizations. Please visit our FAQs for additional information.

To review a list of recently funded organizations, please see below.

Financial Document Requirements

For the 2024-25 Application Cycle, organizations with a fiscal year that ends January through August will need to submit their Fiscal 2024 financial documentation; organizations with a fiscal year that ends September through December will need to submit their Fiscal 2023 financial documentation. We will not accept drafts or unsigned documents.

Budget Size: $150,000-750,000
If total expenses on your organization’s required financial document are $750,000 or less, you may submit an IRS 990, an accountant’s review, or an independent auditor’s report. We will not accept a 990-N postcard.

Budget Size: Above $750,000
If total expenses on your organization’s required financial document are more than $750,000, you must submit an independent auditor’s report.

Funding Criteria

  • Record of artistic activity

  • Impact of the organization’s programs

  • Record of developing and producing new work

  • Fiscal responsibility

  • Ability to generate both earned and contributed income

  • Other significant contributions to the field

  • Organizations must have an annual budget of $150,000 or higher (not including in-kind support)


Grant requests must be submitted on The Shubert Foundation’s current online application form. Each applicant may apply in only one funding category.

Questions regarding category, criteria, audits, and deadlines that are not answered within this or other sections of the Website should be addressed to the Foundation.

For audit requirements, applicants must submit complete audited financial statements for the appropriate fiscal year (see Criteria). Financial statements must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and be audited by a certified public accountant.

Please note the following important application information:

  • Incomplete applications will not be accepted.

  • Letters of inquiry will not be accepted.

  • The Foundation does not support fiscally sponsored organizations.

  • For audit requirements: Reviews, compilations, and draft versions are not acceptable.

  • Required financial documents should be submitted with the application whenever possible but will be accepted as late as 6pm ET on the day of the appropriate deadline.


Determine Eligibility

Grant seekers who review the Criteria and Guidelines and are eligible for Shubert funding may take the Eligibility Quiz to begin the application process.

Please note: Eligibility closes 48 hours prior to the application deadline.


Frequently Asked Questions

Have additional questions?


Our Current Dance Grantees



A.I.M by Kyle Abraham
New York, NY

Alabama Ballet
Birmingham, AL

Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
New York, NY

American Ballet Theatre
New York, NY

American Dance Festival
Durham, NC

American Repertory Ballet
New Brunswick, NJ

Atlanta Ballet
Atlanta, GA

AXIS Dance Company
Oakland, CA


Ballet Arizona
Phoenix, AZ

Ballet Austin
Austin, TX

Ballet Hispanico
New York, NY

Ballet Memphis
Memphis, TN

Ballet Tech
New York, NY

Ballet West
Salt Lake City, UT

Ballet Vero Beach
Vero Beach, FL

Ballet X
Philadelphia, PA

BalletMet Columbus
Columbus, OH

Baryshnikov Arts Center
New York, NY

Battery Dance
Brooklyn, NY

The Big Muddy Dance Company
St. Louis, MO

Los Angeles, CA

Boston Ballet
Boston, MA

Boulder Ballet
Boulder, CO



Ragamala Dance Company
Minneapolis, MN

Repertory Dance Theatre
Salt Lake City, UT

Richmond Ballet
Richmond, VA

Rochester City Ballet
Rochester, NY


Saint Louis Ballet
Chesterfield, MO

San Francisco Ballet
San Francisco, CA

Sarasota Ballet
Sarasota, FL

School of American Ballet
New York, NY

Smuin Ballet/SF
San Francisco, CA



Urban Bush Women
Brooklyn, NY


The Washington Ballet
Washington, DC

Denver, CO

Works & Process
New York, NY