Who The Shubert Foundation Supports
+ What is the Foundation's primary funding focus?
Approximately 74% of Shubert funding is directed to not-for-profit, professional theatres—and 16% to dance companies—in the US, with an emphasis on producing, rather than presenting, organizations.
+ What other types of organizations do you support?
A limited number of grants are made in the program areas of Arts Related Organizations and Shubert Scholars.
+ Does The Shubert Foundation provide seed money, program, or project support? Does it fund individuals, capital campaigns, endowments, or renovations? What about radio, film, TV, or other media projects?
No, the Foundation does not provide support for any of these categories. The Foundation provides unrestricted grants for general operating support, primarily to professional producing theatre and dance companies.
+ Does the Foundation support fiscally sponsored organizations?
+ Does the Foundation give scholarships or grants to individuals?
No. Due to restrictions imposed by The Internal Revenue Act of 1969, The Shubert Foundation cannot make grants to individuals.
+ Does the Foundation provide grants to community and/or non-professional theatre organizations?
+ Does the Foundation accept unsolicited applications?
+ Does the Foundation fund outside New York?
Yes. Shubert provides general operating support to theatre and dance companies throughout the United States.
+ Does the Foundation fund outside the United States?
Determining Eligibility
+ How can I determine if my organization is eligible for funding?
We seek to be clear about our priorities and provide reasonable guidance to those who are considering investing time and resources in preparing applications. If questions remain after reading the information on this Website, please call The Shubert Foundation at (212) 944-3777.
+ When should I call with questions regarding eligibility?
The best time is between June and November.
+ Do you require a minimum number of years of operation before an organization will be considered for funding?
No; however, the Foundation does require a track record—artistic, administrative and fiscal—that cannot be established overnight. (The application requires information for two previous seasons.)
+ Are all applicants subject to the audit requirement?
Yes. Each applicant must submit complete audited financial statements for the appropriate fiscal year. Financial statements must be prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and be audited by a certified public accountant. Unaudited financial statements, balance sheets, reviews, or draft versions are not acceptable.
Grant Applications
+ When is the new/current grant application available?
August – December.
+ Is it a good idea to apply—even if we know we're not ready—just to get on your radar?
No. There are better ways, and we'll advise you of them; please call the Foundation at (212) 944-3777.
+ Should I request a specific grant amount?
No. If the Foundation determines that it will fund your organization, it will also determine the amount of the grant.
Important Dates & Deadlines
+ What is the deadline for Dance, Arts Related Organizations, and Shubert Scholars categories?
Applications must be submitted to the Foundation no later than 6pm ET on October 16, 2019.
+ What is the deadline for the Theatre category?
Applications must be submitted to the Foundation no later than 6pm ET on December 4, 2019.
+ What is the audit deadline for the Dance, Arts Related Organizations, and Shubert Scholars categories?
December 13, 2019, at 6pm ET.
+ What is the audit deadline for the Theatre category?
February 4, 2020, at 6pm ET.
+ When are grants announced and disbursed?
Notifications will be mailed during the last week of May 2020.
Other Frequently Asked Questions
+ What are the sizes of your grants?
Recent grants range from $10,000 to $325,000; the larger grants are generally awarded to organizations that have been on the Foundation roster for several years.
+ What does "unrestricted grants for general operating support" mean?
Shubert grants are unrestricted; that is, they are not designated for a specific program or project by the Foundation; grantees can direct the awards they receive to general operating expenses.
+ Are grants automatically renewed?
No. A new application must be submitted each year, even if an organization has previously received a Shubert grant.
+ Why are organizations with budgets under $150,000 asked to call the Foundation before they apply?
Smaller budgets often indicate younger and/or smaller organizations that might not yet have the track record or fiscal stability that the Foundation requires of a grantee. If that is the case, we would rather provide guidance than have the organization waste its resources on a premature application.
+ Where is The Shubert Foundation?
The Shubert Foundation is located at 234 West 44th Street, New York, NY 10036, which is between Broadway and Eighth Avenue.